Line numbers when using mdb to debug node.js/V8
Someone on IRC was trying to follow along with and got stuck because it's a bit outdated.
Some notes
- The module has changed name from
doesn't display file name and line numbers anymore (confusing)::jsstack -v
gives verbose output including line numbers
Some shell output for playing along
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ uname -v
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ which node
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ node --version
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ cat loop-anon.js
new Error().stack;
function main() { func1(); }
function func1() { func2(); }
function func2()
(function () {
for (;;)
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ node loop-anon.js &
[1] 13943
[nshalman@shalman ~]$ mdb -p 13943
Loading modules: [ ]
> ::load v8
V8 version:
Autoconfigured V8 support from target
C++ symbol demangling enabled
> ::jsstack
80471c8 0x9d35b40e <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81784775)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 7
80471e0 0x9d35af71 func2 (81780d85)
80471f8 0x9d35ae0b func1 (81780d61)
8047210 0x9d35ad6b main (81780d3d)
804722c 0x9d3552c7 <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81780ca1)
8047260 0x9d3141a5 <InternalFrame>
8047298 0x9d354cd7 <anonymous> (as Module._compile) (ad62e079)
80472b8 0x9d350dd9 <anonymous> (as Module._extensions..js) (ad62e0b9)
80472dc 0x9d34dd7f <anonymous> (as Module.load) (ad62e031)
804731c 0x9d33fef7 <anonymous> (as Module._load) (ad62dfe9)
804733c 0x9d33fa53 <anonymous> (as Module.runMain) (ad62e101)
8047370 0x9d3298f6 startup (81724609)
804738c 0x9d32910b <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81723f81)
80473ac 0x9d30fe19 <InternalFrame>
80473e8 0x9d30a0aa <EntryFrame>
8047458 _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0_6ObjectEEEiPS5_Pb+0xef
8047498 v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xd0
80474f8 v8::Function::Call+0x15c
8047568 node::Load+0x152
80475d8 node::Start+0x166
80475f8 main+0x1b
804761c _start+0x83
> ::jsstack -v
80471c8 0x9d35b40e <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81784775)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 7
80471e0 0x9d35af71 func2 (81780d85)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 5
80471f8 0x9d35ae0b func1 (81780d61)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 3
8047210 0x9d35ad6b main (81780d3d)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 2
804722c 0x9d3552c7 <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81780ca1)
file: /home/nshalman/loop-anon.js
posn: line 1
arg1: 8177f4cd (JSObject)
arg2: 817806b1 (JSFunction)
arg3: 8177f451 (JSObject)
arg4: 8177e119 (ConsString)
arg5: 81780b69 (ConsString)
8047260 0x9d3141a5 <InternalFrame>
8047298 0x9d354cd7 <anonymous> (as Module._compile) (ad62e079)
file: module.js
posn: line 374
arg1: 81780555 (SeqAsciiString)
arg2: 8177e119 (ConsString)
80472b8 0x9d350dd9 <anonymous> (as Module._extensions..js) (ad62e0b9)
file: module.js
posn: line 472
arg1: 8177f451 (JSObject)
arg2: 8177e119 (ConsString)
80472dc 0x9d34dd7f <anonymous> (as Module.load) (ad62e031)
file: module.js
posn: line 346
arg1: 8177e119 (ConsString)
804731c 0x9d33fef7 <anonymous> (as Module._load) (ad62dfe9)
file: module.js
posn: line 275
arg1: 817464cd (ConsString)
arg2: ad608081 (Oddball: "null")
arg3: ad6080a1 (Oddball: "true")
804733c 0x9d33fa53 <anonymous> (as Module.runMain) (ad62e101)
file: module.js
posn: line 495
8047370 0x9d3298f6 startup (81724609)
file: node.js
posn: line 30
804738c 0x9d32910b <anonymous> (as <anon>) (81723f81)
file: node.js
posn: line 27
arg1: 8171e9a9 (JSObject)
80473ac 0x9d30fe19 <InternalFrame>
80473e8 0x9d30a0aa <EntryFrame>
8047458 _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0_6ObjectEEEiPS5_Pb+0xef
8047498 v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xd0
80474f8 v8::Function::Call+0x15c
8047568 node::Load+0x152
80475d8 node::Start+0x166
80475f8 main+0x1b
804761c _start+0x83