SmartOS on SmartOS in the JPC

What now?

We begin with Xzibit:

Okay, really, what?

  1. Log into the JPC portal
  2. Provision a CentOS 7 VM
  • Use any package that gives you more than 1 VCPU (try "High CPU 1.75")
  • Only give it one VNIC on the public internet (remove the usual private one)
  • Provision it.
  1. Log in to your new VM as root.
  2. Install some extraction tools: yum -y install qemu-img bzip2
  3. Download the SmartOS boot image and the specially tweaked zones pool image into RAM:
  • cd /dev/shm && wget
  • cd /dev/shm && wget
  1. Don't let Linux touch the disks any more:
  • umount /data ; swapoff -a
  • echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ; echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger
  1. Drop the images onto your virtual disks:
  • qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O host_device /dev/shm/smartos-in-jpc.qcow2 /dev/vdb
  • bzcat < /dev/shm/platform-20141230T180824Z.usb.bz2 > /dev/vda
  1. Have Linux force reboot the machine:
  • echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
  • Your ssh connection will hang. Kill it as you see fit.
  1. Delete your entry from ~.ssh/known_hosts for the machine.
  2. Ping the IP address until it comes back online.
  3. SSH back in as root. The password is "thanksnahum"
  4. Change the password: umount /etc/shadow; cp /usbkey/shadow /etc/shadow; passwd root; cp /etc/shadow /usbkey/shadow
  5. Run uname -a
  6. Have fun! (If you provision a zone with IP on nic_tag "switch0", it should be NAT'd out to the internet... I haven't tested that yet, though...)
  7. Check out my code branches that are powering this awesomeness: